Enhancing Sales Excellence: MSD/Merck Embrace Design Thinking





Design Thinking Workshopping


MSD, a global leader in pharmaceuticals and vaccines committed to saving and improving lives through innovative health solutions, sought to empower their sales force to remain key players in an increasingly competitive market. By integrating Design Thinking methodologies into their strategies, MSD aimed to foster innovation and strengthen their competitive edge.

How We Helped:

Doodle Design partnered with MSD to create a tailored learning journey, leveraging targeted methods from the Design Thinking toolkit. Together, we embarked on a co-creative process to develop detailed persona profiles, redefine priority challenges, and generate innovative solutions in service of MSD clients.

After extensive problem ‘re-framing’ through the lenses of clients, ideas were brainstormed. The most impactful ideas were captured in Concept Posters, enabling the teams to present their solutions in a concise, visual, and actionable format. This approach facilitated effective group critique and iterative refinement, equipping MSD’s sales teams to confidently engage with key stakeholders and end clients to shape the most impactful Action Plans to move forward.

Work Outputs:

  • Design Thinking Learning Sessions
  • Design Thinking Facilitation Workshops
  • Specific Challenge Outcomes
  • Action Plan & Business Development Design
“People ignore products that ignore people. HCD is 100% about the people. Their true needs. Each and every designer at Doodle Design or IDEO.org needs to stay unbiased and see the world as how it could be, not as it is. This inclusive mindset reduces the chance for ideas to be rejected or ignored. This is how we can break the vicious cycle to widen financial access to people who are truly in need.”
Nhu Vo
Founder, Doodle Design
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Dive into the details of the Reimagined Automotive & Mobility

Dive into the details of the Reimagining Healthcare V3.0 Case Study.

Dive into the details of the Bright Futures Case Study.

Why Design Thinking?

Ready to redefine how you think, communicate and collaborate in service of customers?