Now, Everyone Can Innovate!

Meet Doodle A, Design Thinking Learning Academy, Doodle Design’s new training arm.

While Doodle Design brings together great minds to co-create real ideas with tangible business outcomes, Doodle A helps equip the #DesignThinking mindsets and skill sets your organisation needs to ready, scale, and accelerate a team and culture of creative thinkers.

Going beyond in-person training, Doodle A introduces E-Design Thinking: practical, actionable E-learning with courses, toolboxes and templates to help equip every role and level of your organisation with customer-centricity, collaboration and creative thinking skills. These skill sets help create unique and differentiated advantages your competitors can not share.

By blending our Design Thinking knowledge and content with technology, E-Design Thinking can help your organisation:

💡 Share a common language across all teams using Design Thinking as the foundation as every level and role of your team is upskilled with Creative Thinking, Collaboration and Innovation mindsets and methods. Why not make E-Design Thinking a part of your employee onboarding and orientation experience?

💡 Assure reinforcement of knowledge beyond training and track results instantly. Your team members can immediately generate at least 20 innovative ideas after less than 9 hours of learning. Imagine watching your bank of ideas grow every day!

💡 Monitor your team’s learning history, and behaviours for each course easily. Encourage a culture of growth and continuous innovation every day.

What’s included in E-Design Thinking?

💡 8+ Learning Courses
💡 113+ Lecture Videos
💡 198+ Workplace Scenarios
💡 36+ Action Templates

So, let’s get you started and ready to scale innovation.

Drop us a line at

Explore more at Doodle A Website:

#DoodleA #eDesignThinking #Upskill #CreativeProblemSolving #EveryoneCanInnovate #Vietnam #Asia

Chris Elkin Nhu Vo

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